
You have reached The Box of Wonder

Hi! I’m betty- the anonymous teen behind this blog. Welcome to my corner of the internet, where I aspire to make memories with anyone who can withstand reading pieces written by a humorously-dark 14 year old. I’m glad you’re here and I hope you’ll be glad to be here too 😆

Start reading the most recent post’s : D —

Restarting the Adventures…

Hello, Wonderful Readers! *ok stay calm* HAPPY 3 YEAR BLOGOVERSARYYYYYYY *screaming and jumping around* Welcome!! I’m glad that you’re here! I’m Betty- The teen behind the blog. Today is 29th June 2024. Exactly 3 years ago, at the same time this post is being published, An 11 year old started to make space for herself…

never mine

I don’t have all those feelings left,But they are not all gone.Some thoughts still lingering,Soon I’ll get rid of them all. I don’t miss your presence near;I don’t remember your silhouette.Now I don’t see you everywhere,I guess it was really just in my head. I wasn’t going to write of you,But I needed one last…

The Remarkable Blogger Tag! // (collab with tween me??)

Hello Wonderful readers! I’m doing the remarkable blogger tag today. Yes yes, we’re bringing back dead trends with this one🔥. I just found this in my drafts and thought why not do it! I was tagged by Maggie @ Maggie’s Doodles, Candy(whoose site is no longer there) and Prashasna @ Readers’ Aclove for this tag,…

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